Just read this: The Question Behind the Question

from Ron Edmondson http://www.ronedmondson.com/2012/05/the-question-behind-the-question.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GracedAgain+%28Ron+Edmondson+%29

You’re familiar with the common scenario where someone approaches you for advise for a “friend”. Everyone knows that “friend” is the person asking the question.

That scenario happens in leadership also.

Good leaders attempt to get to the question behind the question.

The question behind the question may be the most important question.

When someone is asking the leader a question, the leader needs to consider if the question is the real question or a disguised question to get to an unspoken question.


Sometimes, whether because of fear, insecurity or intimidation, people are hesitant to share what’s really on their mind. They ask questions or make statements that are really innuendos of a bigger issue.

Good leaders look beyond what’s being verbalized. They attempt to discern the motive and intent of the question or statement. They ask follow up questions to make sure they understand the concern or input being given.

The health of the organization may depend on knowing what’s really being communicated…or not being communicated.

Next time someone asks you a question…or makes a statement…consider whether there is a question beyond the question.

You may now want to read “10 Symptoms of the Unaware Leader“.

Related posts:

  1. One Question: 3 Game-Changing Responses
  2. Church Growth Question
  3. A Life Message: Asking the Right Question
  4. The Question I Ask When Receiving a Complaint or Criticism

from Ron Edmondson http://www.ronedmondson.com/2012/05/the-question-behind-the-question.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+GracedAgain+%28Ron+Edmondson+%29

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